How to Create an AI Grading Rubric with ChatGPT

Language Arts teacher using ChatGPT Edu to create an AI grading rubric for essay grading

Learn how to create an AI rubric generator for efficient essay grading. Define criteria, set letter/point levels (A: 4, B: 3, C: 2, D: 1, F: 0), describe each level, test, and share with students.

ChatGPT Edu: Everything Teachers Should Know (2024)

ChatGPT Edu by Open AI for teachers phone interface

Discover how OpenAI’s ChatGPT Edu is transforming education by offering personalized support, efficient lesson planning, and interactive learning. Learn what teachers need to know about this innovative AI tool and when it will be available.

Understanding ChatGPT’s Memory Update for Teachers

History teacher using chatgpt after new memory upgrade OpenAI released

With the rollout of memory capabilities in ChatGPT, educators are prepared to experience how AI can be integrated into teaching. This update promises to make interactions with ChatGPT more personalized and context-aware, but what does this mean for teachers?

The Ultimate Guide to Leveraging ChatGPT for Grading

Teacher crafting specific grading instructions for AI essay grader tools, including ChatGPT, on a digital tablet, highlighting the integration of artificial intelligence in educational assessment.

In the evolving landscape of education, where digital tools and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are reshaping traditional teaching methods, ChatGPT emerges as a groundbreaking tool for teachers. Particularly in the realm of grading essays and assignments, the AI essay grader capabilities of ChatGPT offer teachers efficiency and student insight. In this easy to follow guide you […]